Beta Upsilon Chi was formed at The University of Texas at Austin in the spring of 1985 by a handful of Christian men who desired an alternative to the present fraternal lifestyle. A group of Christian men met and planned the “BYX Island Party” to formally announce the fraternity’s founding. It was the vision of the founding fathers to have a fraternity of committed Christian men, based on the unique brotherhood that a Christian atmosphere affords, for the purpose of fellowship and glorification of Jesus Christ. Through such events as parties, service projects, and evangelical outreaches, the charter members of Beta Upsilon Chi chose to unite in fellowship and glorify Jesus Christ on the University of Texas campus.
In early fall of 2004 Casey Zumwalt contacted the national office about the possibility of starting a BYX chapter on the campus of Mississippi State University. Casey began recruiting other men to join him in this endeavor and before long they had a group of 20 men meeting to fellowship, spend time in the word, and pray. Late in the fall of 2004 these men began going through the prospective chapter evaluation process, making them the first chapter to go through this process. In February of 2005 BYX invited these men to attend the BYX annual Summit conference. Finally, after months of planning and preparing, the Mississippi State university chapter of Brother’s Under Christ was activated on April 5, 2005 as the “Omicron” chapter. As the fifteenth chapter of BYX, the Omicron chapter was only the third east of the Mississippi river and only the fourth outside of the state of Texas.
Joe Chen, Shea Cole, Nick Dampier, Joe Davis, Gary Goggins, Adam Haver, Ben Irwin, Adam Kennard, Aaron Lawson, Kyle Lynch, Grayson Luther, Thomas Marino, Ben McCain, Wade Patterson, Nathan Phillips, Stephen Sims, Sam Ritchey, Justin White, John Windham, Casey Zumwalt, Jesse English